Sumich Garden/ Sain Road Upgrade

Sumich Garden/ Sain Road Upgrade

Sumich Garden/ Sain Road Upgrade teaser
Date: 15 Nov

To address road safety concerns we have received from residents about how  motorists negotiate the intersection of Sain Road and Sumich Gardens the City plans to modify the intersection to be a more traditional T-intersection.


The intersection realignment will address concerns we have received about motorists travelling from Sain Road into Sumich Gardens failing to give-way at the intersection resulting in ‘near-misses’.


The realignment will involve removing the curves at that intersection to create a priority north-south road alignment with the northern section of Sumich Gardens continuing south straight into Sain Road, as shown on the attached drawing.


As this will result in Sumich Gardens having a 90° bend, new street name signs will be installed at the intersection to identify the house numbers in each section of Sumich Gardens.


It is anticipated that the intersection modifications will be carried out during February 2019.

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